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8:1  But we make known to you, brethren, the grace of God that is given to the assemblies of Macedonia.
8:2  For in the many trials of their afflictions there was an abundance to their joy, and the depth of their poverty was made to superabound in the wealth of their generosity.
8:3  For I testify that according to their power and more than their power in the willingness of their soul,
8:4  They begged us with much entreaty that they might share in the grace of the ministry of The Holy Ones,
8:5  And not according to what we had hoped, but they offered themselves to our Lord first and also to us in the will of God,
8:6  That we would seek from Titus, that as he started, thus he would complete also this grace in you.
8:7  But just as you abound in everything: in faith, in the word, in knowledge, in all diligence and in our love for you, so also, you shall abound in this grace.
8:8  I am not commanding simply to give you orders, but I am testing the truth of your love with the diligence of your companions.
8:9  For you know the grace of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, who for your sake became poor, when he was rich, so that you might become rich by his poverty.
8:10  But to counsel, I advise you this to help you, because from last year you began, not only to purpose, but also to do:
8:11  Finish now by works that thing which you desire, for as you had eagerness to desire, so you should complete by works from what you have.
8:12  For if there is a willingness, so it is accepted according to what one has; it is not according to what one does not have.
8:13  For it is not that others would have relief and you would have distress,
8:14  But that your abundance might come together at this time with their lack of these things, so that their abundance also of those things would be for your lack, that there would be equality.
8:15  As it is written: “He who increased took no surplus and he who took little was not deprived.”
8:16  But thank God who gave this concern for you to the heart of Titus.
8:17  For he accepted our request and because he was greatly concerned, by his desire he went out among you.
8:18  But we sent our brother with him, whose praise in The Gospel is in all the churches.
8:19  In this way also he was truly chosen from the churches to go out with us in this grace of ministry from us for the glory of God and for our own encouragement.
8:20  But we fear in this lest anyone impute to us a flaw in this abundance that is ministered by us.
8:21  For we are concerned for what is right, not only before God, but also before men.
8:22  But we sent our brother with them, who had been proved by us, that he is diligent always in many things, but now he is all the more diligent by the trust of many concerning you.
8:23  If therefore Titus is my partner and helper among you, and if our other brethren are Apostles of the churches of the glory of The Messiah,
8:24  From now on show the demonstration of your love and our pride in you among them in the presence of all the churches.